Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Your Mind is a Galaxy

Catherine is a supermodel. Actually. And coincidentally she is my best friend which is convenient for me as a photographer. She let me paint all over her and was super chill as I spattered paint the paint on. 
This was honestly such a fun shoot. All we used was paint, a blue backdrop, and a lamp. I had no idea how it was going to turn out but experimenting is part of the excitement. 

 I am so thankful for Catherine's willingness to be my model and to go along with my random artistic urges. 

This is my first attempt at levitation photography and it was pretty fun, but also quite challenging. We had to get two chairs to hold up her stomach and her legs, because you need abs to be able to do that pose on one stool. Anyways, I am looking forward to more experimenting in this area. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Keily & Andre

When Keily asked me to take her engagement pictures I was both excited and afraid. I had never taken engagement pictures before or even portraits with more than one person in the picture. But the opportunity excited me even though I didn't really know what to expect. 

 We arrived at our location and the forest was so beautiful it got my photography senses tingling. Keily and Andre were so natural in front of the camera. They are so natural together. They were simply themselves, laughing and joking together, while I captured it.  We didn't encounter any awkward moments where we ran out of poses or smiles started to get fake.