Tuesday, 25 February 2014

King's Lodge

So my siblings and I went for a walk. I had no idea it would end up being this magical but since most walks in England are, I should've seen it coming. :) 

the entrance. 

my sister Mary :) 

choosing which path to take :) 

I couldn't decide if I liked it in b&w or..

colored. :)

my brother :) 

my little sister :) 


Sunday, 23 February 2014


This place is one of my favourite places on earth. Bournemouth. 
I love staying at my Auntie Celia's house and just chilling and making cupcakes and such :) She and her husband are such wonderful people :) Visiting them is usually the most relaxing parts of our furlough trips back to England :) 

Auntie Celia :)